
In some cases, the copyright of publications may be held by the press that publishes the journal or book, not me. Regardless each link leads to a full-text copy of the publication.

book chapters

articles & reviews

  • "Sari Kawana, The Uses of Literature in Modern Japan: Histories and Cultures of the Book." Book review, East Asian Publishing & Society 9, no. 1 (February 2019). (preprint PDF)
  • "Inventing Saikaku: Collectors, Provenance, and the Social Creation of an Author." Book History 20 (2017), p. 274-306. (preprint PDF)
  • "The Digital Archive of Japan's 2011 Disasters" (review). Dissertation Reviews (2015).
  • dissertation

    “Editing Identity: Literary Anthologies and the Construction of the Author in Meiji Japan” - defended in 2012 for my PhD in Asian Languages & Cultures, University of Michigan.